Thanks I read that but it’s not giving an expected date? Like next year maybe 2 years? Ball park idea as to when
Anything happening in crv these days lads any V3/V4 thing coming out?
How do you see this growing to say 1 billion in crvusd or is there a current cap? Thanks
What chains are yee launching on lads? Arb optimism etc besides eth? Will it use the CRV token at all? In rewards etc or something new? Thanks
Hi for crvusd what size market would it need to be to provide the same profit for curve as the LP positions. Currently it’s making ~1/6 I read if it was a billio...
Ok cool but there won’t be a revenue benefit to locked curve?
So will llambalend have anything to do with crv token??
Why are the loan rates so high? Does the amount that can be borrowed need to be increased?
Lads is crvusd borrowing just on Eth?