If theres 10 apples in the market and you own 2, and now there’s 20 apples in the market but you still hold the same 2, does it have the same value? That’s the merge.
Btw, like is 100% sure that if the second question gets no as a majority response, but the first gets yes (as in to merge happening) merge will happen? Because if so then yeah...
Guys! How is the voting going on here? Is there a link to see how results are going? Regarding the merge
Guys about the merge, if I hold my tokens on exchange, will they swap automatically to ASI? How much time will it take for them to convert, will it be instantly? And if the q...
Guys, if AGIX voting turns out to be no to the merge, would OCEAN and FET still merge? Or would it be totally cancelled
But I refuse to believe that they are really doing it that way, is it 100% confirmed? The ratio of conversion and mc?
Conversion rates are already fixed and not gonna change right? As in each token to ASI
Have they established which is going to be the circulating supply?
Is this ftx pro? Like on appstore whichone is it