you are using l2faucet, Holesky faucet or Sepolia faucet?
So you want to know typed out version for supply release dates? That will not happen I think. Because that falls under the category of insider trading and anyone can manipulat...
@admins where can i report angel bad behavior?
So, there isn't any official way to report or provide feedback for unfit angels?
Is there anything else I can help you with?
Anton.ata — Today at 12:40 Hey everyone We are pleased to announce that Coinbase has now added Automata Network (ATA) to their roadmap section, which is where they put assets...
@jortech what do you think a time frame would be better than current graphical representation?
NFTFair is showing you your collection?😊
what do you mean by launchpool? Do you want to know how much BNB or BUSD were staked or the listing price when it first started trading?
what device are you using? PC or phone?
What website are you referring to?
For official channel, paid advertisement or influencers?
is this same address?