I’ve been hearing a bit about the crypto bill today and was curious if DFI had any premine or any other qualities that can make it viewed as a security? I know the dex tries t...
Should we be concerned ??
Bit confused, is getfixedintervalprice what would be used when calculating how much DFI should be paid back for a dusd loan ?
Can someone explain how these small deflationary pressures snapped price towards peg?
The dfip voting bot doesn’t seem to be working is it working for any of you ?
When creating a second address on light wallet is it binded to the recovery words ?
Sorry I missed all the dumping chat is this because exchanges finally let people move DFI again?
Where can I find a doc describing each of the commands for console use ?
When might we see some of the DUSD proposals live?
Can someone explain how we go about using the futures ?
So you spam a bunch of strangers phones ?
When will the next update to the fee be?
So lightwallet is the only wallet for synthetic stocks ?
When is the updated APR for synthetics released ?
Anyone using vault maxi ?