"After FCH upgrade block, payback of loans with DFI instead of the dTokens at a set additional oracle fee, can be enabled. Currently, due to protocol serialisation requiring b...
wow... seems like within a day almost $20 million left the stock pools any news that I missed? at all I'm a big fan of DFI and part from day 1, just in the last 4 weeks I'm s...
@DanielZirkel does already exist the overview website for the voting like the last times? Would be amazing
https://twitter.com/julianhosp/status/1530116343818661888?t=4RCVWfZuWwpoi-LyMGhI3w&s=19 I don't see any problem.. or how is the investigation going on?
so now I cant swap dfi in btc and the other way right? but dfi in eth is possible? or no swap at all? I can add btc and dfi to the lm pool right?