Cannot harvest anything on Raydium or Orca while Solana status page is all green. What purpose does status page serve if it reports nothing's going on now?
Why does Raydium pool want to charge me 0.00204 SOL in addition to network fee when I’m trying to harvest? If I deposited, I already have an account. What’s the dealio?
Solana network TPS per Solana . com front page at 2:07 pm EST: Transactions per second: 167 When is this madness going to be fixed?
Solana Transactions per second: 565 When 65k we were promised?
Admins, why is bot deleting messages with word "s c a m" in them? We can't inform people they are being s c a m m e d?
Solana has 228 full-time developers. How many weeks how many of them does it take to fix the TPS debacle?