Who is buying RAM too much now and how effect on EOS??? What is depend on EOS to RAM???
I have a question that EDEN is benefit and development for EOS development or EDEN is benefit for themselves???
What a relationship between RAM to EOS? Why RAM price high??? Selling EOS and buying RAM???
Circulation amount of EOS is 1.12B and how to burn 80% of future supply???
i have a question that i saw in defibox that total saving amount is 1,019,929 EOS. Then i start to find top 100 eos accounts, i didn't see that amonut of wallet(defibox accoun...
So need to say "thank you" to b1??? Ok. Say. Thank you😆😆😆
Helios_rising and tothemoon are lobbyists for B1???
EOS inflation is now which % per year???
EOS is based on PoW or PoS???
A thief stole $4B and a community received $500K from that thief. That community received money and encouraged a thief???
Chris received some money from b1? Why he always protect to b1 when we said B1??? Received some share money from $4B???
That meant "if you want to freeze an account, 15+ block producers sign then closed it"???
can i know futher data about trust evm? any data link about trust evm?
Can we reget ICO funds $4B from B1???
Daniel Larimer& Yves La Rose are same Road on EOS???
Is there any update news about eos?
Can EOS coin burn?