I have a question that EDEN is benefit and development for EOS development or EDEN is benefit for themselves???
Who is buying RAM too much now and how effect on EOS??? What is depend on EOS to RAM???
What a relationship between RAM to EOS? Why RAM price high??? Selling EOS and buying RAM???
Circulation amount of EOS is 1.12B and how to burn 80% of future supply???
i have a question that i saw in defibox that total saving amount is 1,019,929 EOS. Then i start to find top 100 eos accounts, i didn't see that amonut of wallet(defibox accoun...
So need to say "thank you" to b1??? Ok. Say. Thank you😆😆😆
Helios_rising and tothemoon are lobbyists for B1???
EOS inflation is now which % per year???
EOS is based on PoW or PoS???
A thief stole $4B and a community received $500K from that thief. That community received money and encouraged a thief???
Chris received some money from b1? Why he always protect to b1 when we said B1??? Received some share money from $4B???
That meant "if you want to freeze an account, 15+ block producers sign then closed it"???
can i know futher data about trust evm? any data link about trust evm?
Can we reget ICO funds $4B from B1???
Daniel Larimer& Yves La Rose are same Road on EOS???
Is there any update news about eos?
Can EOS coin burn?