is it better to stake hex for 4 years? or longer?
some poeple are grumpy huh when you bought at high price.. But why you bought in the first trust the project or? If so then its a great opp to buy more when its st...
question, my stake ends in yuli.. if the stake gets 1:1 can i stop.the stake and restake for les ?
question, can someone explain me the tshares in the easy way? I know that we get more.tshares if you stake more and longer.. but what does tshare do eventually... maybe a stu...
what do you guys think, is it going up from here? :p
or is the fees the same as like it is now?
queation if i buy hex without staking.. do i need to switch that to phex or does it automaticly?
slowly going up from here? 🧐