209 похожих чатов

Question, my stake ends in yuli.. if the stake gets

1:1 can i stop.the stake and restake for les ?

6 ответов

19 просмотров

Whatever you do, do not break your contract obligations.

Nenad [I won't dm you]
Whatever you do, do not break your contract obliga...

yes i know because you pay a fine... but i dont understand the 1:1 to phex.. just a little...sorry fot the dum question maybe.. but it goes automaticly turned 1:1 right? So when the stake is done and i want to restake then.. it means that we paid less fees right because of phex/pulsechain ?

Nenad [I won't dm you]
The fees on Pulsechain will certainly be lower.

👍👍 so i hope pulsechain will be live before july because of the high fees 🤣 it was stupid that i staked that short.. lucky i got a ladder till 2028

R B 🇳🇱 🤌🏼 (will never DM first)
👍👍 so i hope pulsechain will be live before july b...

Well, Pulsechain will not fix the Ethereum fees, at least not immediately. It may positively affect Ethereum by off-loading some of its traffic, but not straight away after launch.

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