Seizing bank accounts but not real estate in your worlds?
😬🙄 Nothing to see here, right ESPN?
Are you saying that my monkey pictures won’t be legal tender for food rations?
Why doesn’t jacinda’s husband have her under control?
Don’t you think that if a large amount of our unvaccinated communities were dropping dead that we would all make a reasonable choice?
What if I told you that krep was in on it?
If the majority of world leaders and population made the opposite decision in managing the fake pandemic would you be on their side?
Are we not allowed to disagree?
Could anyone really argue that governments give a shit about anyone’s lives at this point?
Would you say that the world governments are mostly corrupt or mostly not corrupt?
Do the logs show how many times I’ve been kicked? I might be making that up.
It’s important to see things with your own eyes, is it not?
Do you guarantee that BTC is going to 1 million?
The news is all a show, would you agree?
Natural immunity is real, correct?
Did you get your coin or not?
Why would you return .4?
What was the bet again?