I have participated in the gcoti airdrop campaign which stops at 28 march (after 365 days) will I get the coti v2? I don’t see any way to renew
The coti that is now staked. Will that automatically be converted to cotiv2? Does it remain on coti network or erc20 token?
But I have to pay fees?
And do we see a counter of the number of cotiv2 we will receive? Similar like for gcoti and coti treasury
will people just holding Coti but not putting everything in treasury also benefit? Since erc20 tokens will also get a part of the airdrop but nothing for unstaked coti
Why is deposit for coti native disabled on KuCoin?
Also things like EMI license have been removed from roadmap because the focus is somewhere else. But as the roadmap is not yet made available for this year I find it very hard...
can you guys please add 2 factor authentication on your viper wallet?
anyone else that cannot withdraw from kucoin to viper wallet?
can you change the extend lock period afterwards?
Also if Coti becomes layer 1 aren’t we then a competitor of cardano?
what is the reason that US cannot stake ?
Can I buy Coti directly from my wallet?
Can you get liquidated with 1x?
Is djed delayed?