209 похожих чатов

I have participated in the gcoti airdrop campaign which stops

at 28 march (after 365 days) will I get the coti v2? I don’t see any way to renew

7 ответов

8 просмотров

Did you participate in native or ERC20 gCOTI campaign?

Krakalto- Автор вопроса

No need to do anything. They are already eligible. You may adjust your lock period however if you wish to. More details here- https://medium.com/@cotinetwork/the-coti-v2-airdrop-campaign-772a8dbc6c37

Krakalto- Автор вопроса

Any way to renew without the need to redeposit?

Any way to renew without the need to redeposit?

Yes, once it unlocks, go to manage and you will be able to relock. The option will appear once it unlocks

Krakalto- Автор вопроса
Prince || COTI
Yes, once it unlocks, go to manage and you will be...

But I will have to pay fees again and will lose ancienity although i deposited a year ago for the gcoti airdrop. That is not fair?

But I will have to pay fees again and will lose an...

Relocking does not reset seniority(as long as the deposit is not withdrawn)

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