Another hack? O now the -20% is the standard
How the team can refund the stacker?
What are the chances that Nxra will be abandoned in favor of Nai? Just look at the listings. Nxra is not listed on gate and we have been asking for new trades with volume for ...
Wtf is compilot now?😞
why i cant write "NAi is a disgrace"?
there is a whitepaper for nexera? If I'm not mistaken it will have to be published by the end of June to be m.i.c.a compliant
YOM has definitely changed gear and objectives, is the partnership still active?
but is it true that by trading on nexera exchange they give you points?
have the team sold almost all of its tokens?
but why does kukoin keep so many nxra? 120,000,000 is almost the 15% of the supply.
does it make sense to stake nxra now? or is it late?
when will the distribution of the 2 years pool end?
fish and dip?
what happened to Don and his list of questions?
Maybe, what i miss?