Why isn’t holochain using their own technology to create a coin like holo and instead using the “blockchain” tech with ethereum to create it?
Whats the idea behind the logo of holochain ?
1st. For eg: blockchain is a tech, ethereum is a product with use of that tech Wat am say in is: holochain is a tech, (que) can I also create something like ethereumxyz produc...
Can we fork the holochain tech and build similar one like it with some modifications?
So is it like the stock for holoports are over now they are selling usb sticks or whats it that made them create this product for ?
But is it more powerful than the regular holo ports or depends on the pc u plugin ?
I meant like is there an happ on holochain like MetaMask that provides wallet address ???
HEY @bierlingm i have a doubt ! am building a happ but as my startup, and am confused as a business how would i make profit if everything is decentralised because my main moto...
because if i am creating a business where i would like to see profit but at the same time keep it decentralised is that even possible. cause if i wanna see profit from my busi...
Hmm so just run it so that ppl can host happs for free of cost ?!!
I had a question- what programming language is used in holochain to build ? Is it RUST ?
Then what was the point for selling holoports ?
I have a doubt, if we own a holoport can we host our own happ on it or it’s only meant to act as storage provider for the peers on holochain in exchange for holofuels ?
Btw ru like a paid employee or just part time while ur studying ?
Is there an source which u can share which will help me connect my project into the holochain infrastructure?
Is this the white paper of holochain ?
Why aren’t holochain team working on spreading the idea about this technology and put some effort on their marketing ?
And holochain uses rust as it’s main programming language right ? Correct me if am wrong
Does holo have any happ that provides holochain wallet addresses ??
Or is there any vacancies available?