What can we learn from Kaspa story? How to avoid their case in future for Ergo? How to make sure full ledger is secured. I guesanswer is maximal decentralization and full node...
Is it possible to make it non linear without hard fork?
How is the situation with Palm token? I was part of rsErgo IDO but i dont know when and how i will receive palm token
Is it rational for miner to mine ergo even if it is unprofitable? Isnt it more rational to mine profitable coin sell it and buy ergo instead? I get that some miners want to su...
Well, ok but if yoi want to have full node security you still need all the history, and if you dont need full node security, you dpnt care about other people utxos...what am i...
When you lend SigmaUSD on SigmaFi and erg is collateral, what would happen if price of erg dropped - could you take collateral when price of collateral gets below debt anmnout...
Is here someone with experience with Bisq ?
Can you swap btc-->erg on coinex without KYC (i am non-US)?
Anyone tried coinex ERG withdrawal? I have one tx over 24 hours and still not completed
QR code which is generated by cold device doesnt contain information about seed, right Mr. Stahlfelge?
anyone bought into sigmavalley? I ahve few Qs
Does ergolend have telegram group?
are we dead yet? :D