@Sasha52653 And what do you think about vUSD(ViresUSD), as it is expected to be similar to DAI in terms of collateral-minting? I'm asking this because recently many criticise...
@LarsWavesCM Hey Lars! There are 56 "WX EMISSION" labeled pools. Is it and will be possible to remove their label?
@Sasha52653 Will USDN shift its focus to 4pool as base liquidity on Curve instead of 3pool?
@YuriWavesCM Hey Yuri! Why MUNA's "COMMUNITY VERIFIED" label disappeared? There is also a related situation: https://t.me/wavesexchange/212710
And again who did decide which one will get emission and which one not?
@Sasha52653 Sasha ,there was Aave proposal for USDN, what will be the case for that?
@Sasha52653 Wen NSBT / USDN lp on Waves.Exchange sir?
@EdwardWavesCM can I dm sir?