And how can they have such high tps without being centralized ? :)
Do you store casper on cspr live or do you wait for ledger live ?
The cliffs and vestings are finished but it is still not in circulation the team says they will unlock them after some milestones can I have more information about what those ...
I heard that if you make a wallet in uos and lose it Ultra Io can retrieve it how is that possible without Uos having any authority over my acc ?
Does uos need to have crypto games or can they also have normal ones and games on ps5 will they be available for uos ?
Okey thanks and also do you know if uos will also be available for ps5 and so on or only on PC ?
When I want to delegate stake the fees are 2.5 billion motes what does that mean ?
I'm sorry I don't really know the rules where can I look them up, and also why did the value of Casper constantly drop was it because of inflation/overvalued and if so in whic...
How many beta tester are there currently ?
Could you just elaborate what you mean by different implementation ?
What are the benefits to be a beta tester ?