From what I can see, pStake is staking on Ethereum. Its unclear to me how staking 100 XPRT on Ethereum is anyway related to my XPRT I am staking on Persistence chain. How exac...
I have a second XPRT wallet that is eligible for months 2-6. But that wallet is a web wallet I generated very early using this website Are there any in...
Hello all, according to the token release schedule, are we nearing Month 15?
Ok, thank you for confirming. Therefore, if its only on Ethereum main net, how do I stake 100 XPRT from my eligible wallet that's sitting on the Persistence chain to receive m...
Are there any dapps currently actively running on Persistence chain? I see lots of "future" ideas, but is there anything running on that chain right now?
Did you really think no one would see these chat messages?
pStake appears to only allow staking on ethereum. Have I got that wrong?