Hello, Ergo Investor here. Had a few questions for the leadership of the project, from what I’ve seen @kushti_ru , @Armeanio @dadreboi In one sentence, what is your vision f...
Could be maintained by the people involved in the projects rather than some selected people no? Maybe someone/a group of people can act as a main PO to create the base and mai...
So there is no centralised information about that?
And sorry, last question, is there a list of dApps ideas that have been discussed and noted down somewhere (that are not currently under development)?
Wanted to know when nipopopopow will be released? Where we at development wise? Hows is it going? Whats slowing down developments?
Hello Ergos, was wondering if there was an existing board for each product/toolkit developed on Ergo with backlogs for each one of them? A sort of a view where we can see all ...
So the notes could be considered as tokens?
Saw something on other platforms that could be interesting to implement, would it be easy to include an iframe on each landing page of each dapp of a swapper in which we can d...
If you click on manual input what happens?
May I prepare a little alternative UI?
Btw c8 what do you use to develop your front end?
Are all the devs and contributors being paid ?
And do use any library for the components?
I have a dapp idea, it’s just an idea but it would be nice to have a chess bet dapp. In which you place an entry chip whenever you start a match and if you win the match you g...
Is manual input a button?
So c8, if i recap for noobs like me, it would be a sort of an ergo operating system running on top of another operating system?
What would be the info displayed in the interactive mempool ? Boxes, content of the boxes, what else?
Ok so if i click the button “manual input” it changes label to “automatic input”?
Why is there a need to burn the box?
Whats on the pipeline currently?