Is it possible to use to fork bsc mainnet with hardhat? I'm not getting any errors when I do so. I get a bunch of funded ETH accounts. But I...
Does anyone know why sometimes etherscan shows contracts in separated files, and sometimes in one file? Is that just the choice of whoever is verifying their contracts or does...
(bool success,) = address(marketingWallet).call{value: ethForMarketing}(""); ^ what does (bool succes,) do here? I'm guessing the call function on the other side returns a bo...
Is it possible to have an ERC20 token contract function that once triggered burns a random token holder's entire balance? Should be possible if I give the token contract maxim...
Also is there an Elrond discord server? Or another place for more technical discussion?
Does anyone know why the second inSwapAndLiquify = false; is added here? The modifier already makes the function throw if inSwapAndLiquify = true; is not true, so the second s... Does anyone know what is meant here with "liquidity percent"?
I need about 100 Ropsten Test ETH to test my liquidity with. Anyone willing to lend that to me?
Also which do you guys prefer for building and testing contracts, hardhat or truffle?