Guys I am setting up new dvpn server, can any one tell me the hardware requirements for it to run?
@Berlin18professor can i run sentinel docker with mysterium docker on same machine?
Guys is it possible for me to make a orchid node? Like sentinel and mysterium
@xSeventhx hey i have a dvpn node, I still have one server with 6cpu and 24 gb ram left but it's in India, and India has brought few vpn rules, so is it okay to deploy dvpn no...
Guys did any one thought about fitness all that pays us with crypto for working out? Is this good idea to implement?
Guys I am getting message from derek selva, asking for my wallet address, is it the real derek?
Do we have any dashboard or something that tells how many nodes we are running, and their status like it up or down and other info?
How can I become validator?
You mean tls files?
I am on ec2 instance can I know apart from remote_url port and wiregaurd port, do I need to expose any other port?
@hoondo in sentinel app, did you created your new account or login with node address?
Can I get documentation for installing and compiling orchid?
New wallet with cosmosstation? Or directly on sentinel
Now how will i make crypto with my node?
Where can i buy dvpn tokens using credit card?
Now how much should I buy?
Any guidance?