I have this open ended question. I was drunk thinking yesterday about the stuff that we work on and the systems (as they were a decade ago when I started). Apart from process...
a Golang related question. The "kubectx" tool, I see it its doing a lot more (party because of kubens utility). Heres the github repo https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectx I am t...
has anyone created a "sandbox environment with flawed containers" where people can practice their troubleshooting? need to have a few people join on call. Not an entire cluste...
Nice list of tools there. I usually find it a bit difficult to rely solely on tools to forecast pricing because generally you end up using different machines (additional DNS a...
finally after 3 days, i have a very nice working state of what i had imagined. Makes me ask, are there any "good" code bases to read for Go? Not kubernetes or not something th...
anyone want to co-coderead this weekend?
Human as an orchestrator as a service I guess?
Anyone attending kubecon next month in Velencia?