what is third?
https://near.org/near/widget/ProfilePage?accountId=cengizhantekin.near this is my profile page, I can not create a new post from this page, I need to go to BOS homepage
Jeff Bissinger - https://pages.near.org/blog/case-study-satoris-jeff-bissinger-talks-near-tasks-for-the-gig-economy/?_gl=1*1hpmems*_up*MQ..*_ga*MzEzMjE3NzU2LjE2OTY0MzE5NjY.*_g...
https://near.social/mob.near/widget/MyPage?accountId=chess-game.near - chess tool
copy pasta accepted?
how come it is bigger than human verified?
Is there a character limit for posts here?
who is john tan, a whale?