I'm trying to sell shit on Craigs list. Crypto accepted. Nobody bothers enquiring. Is there a better marketplace where I don't pay some BS "trade fee"?
Anyone here burned 30 incense sticks in hours while inside a 15 square meter room?
Why not run CLI wallet and daemon on Android Termux?
So why ARRR bullish? Eth bridge? New Treasure Chest update? Another theme song competition?
Hi yall/ Is there a way in Treasure Chest console to show log in real time? Much like Monero daemon CLI E.g (set_log 1)
Imagine a scenario where Cyrpto is depegged from the reserved USD. What fiat currency would crypto be pegged on? Ruble?
Monero daemons taking ages to sync. Now 15 days to sync. Whats going on with the network?
Is there a command in Ubuntu to launch pirateqt node without opening the wallet?
The what now?
Soooo why does Pirate Wallet app have all these Google trackers? @lootzlootz
Is Pirate Chain being audited by Edge Security? Founder Jason Donenfeld?