Hey fellow devs! I'm new to this learning python process and have a question that I'm trying to clarify, is using an elif statement good for when you have to use else and if a...
Can you please show a screenshot of your bspwm setup? Kinda wanna see it now
So for example: if thing ==: print('Hi') Else: Print('Wrong') if blah: Print(blah) I can just use elif here, right?
Hello, how does one change the clock to the 12 hour clock on tint2? The tint2 wiki doesn't mention it in it's documentation
just to be sure, how do I check? i'm in the .config/ranger folder and am looking at the config
Does anyone know how to make nano run when opening text files in ranger?
Do you happen to know how much mb polybar uses?
Does it matter where I put in in my .bashrc?
I don't think Fedora is bleeding edge, is it?
If you don't mind me asking, what WM do you use?
Which one is more customizable? Rofi or dmenu?
Any full stack web developers here?
What is fuzzy search?
Debian huh? 👀