Is the utxo set snapshot optional? Like you set on the parameters? Or when you update the node you really have no choice but to have the utxo set snapshot
Hi, I tried restoring the wallet from the node to nautilus but it didn't work? aren't they the same?
hi guys, dumb question. after ledger integration, would you be able to recover your wallet in nautilus using the ledger seed phrase?
TonadoCash Github was deleted? how do we prevent Ergo’s privacy feature from getting deleted also?
Where can i find the Ai chatbot again?
Anybody developing a token list app in Ergo? Like taptools in cardano
guys, what’s the cheapest, safest, and easiest way to mint RSV?
Do you guys know a good btc light wallet?
how's the colateral ratio calculated, for sigmafi?
Hey Is hodlerg still up?
guys, how’s solana wallets getting hacked? isn’t that the benefit of non-custodial?
Guys where can I find the downloadable logos/graphics ?
any negative implications for the upcoming HF?
what's the next reward emission value?