why ban him?
do hex stakers get any pls/plsx?
like pumping CEL doesnt really help Celsius get out of the current situation right? it just punishes people shorting CEL
Been reading about the CEL short squeeze, this has nothing to do with the celsius insolvency issue right?
where does staking rewards go? do you get it when you unbond or is it deposited directly to your wallet
Alex/Celsius hasnt said much so you have people in here speculating on bail outs/solvency issues, etc. Nothing has been confirmed. Do you want us to just sit here quietly and ...
how is the reward for staking glmr right now?
Wait, he's been defending Celsius? THe rest of us are "fudding" by your definition lol
can someone call Alex and ask him?
is this your channel niko?
did Simon say GS rumor was false?
are you from Simon's group?