Have the Chefs said anything about an Emergency button to remove funds from fixed staking since a lot of ppl are upset they are locked in a shrinking apy? Could do a time pen...
So now there will be even more emissions taken from the pools? How many more times are we gonna keep pinching cake from the pools after ppl have locked away their cake withou...
When I staked my cake is my cake earned already part of my total balance or will that be added at the end of my staking period?
Is it possible to emergency withdraw my cake on a locked fixed term pool? Recently desperately need funds
Sorry if ignorant question but is everyone who participates in the public ifo sale for trivian gonna get the 0.035 price or does it depend how early you get in?
What is that gonna do? they gonna say oh yeah our liquidity is way off. I’m only asking as to why it could be so different and why it somehow is always more on the farms whi...
Sorry haven’t been around much, has the lowered emissions already been applied to the staking pools? bc I don’t even notice a big change and thought it would drop in the 50%...
Is the amount of cake being minted and put into circulation ever going to stop at some point? And can the burn amount ever top the amount put into circulation to decrease supp...
But hypothetically when boosted is applied will it apply to those already staked in fixed term or only to new users who lock? Hypothetically of course
What do we think? Is Wombat gonna be as successful as MetaApes or is the market down right now going to hurt the Ifo launch?
Can you give me any reason on why they might be so drastically off? Bc the apr has dropped dramatically in 1 day over 100% apr
What about my VsCake? I demand it be implemented so I can get more rewards from lettuce hands who I will defeat
How often are there new ifo partners? If I don’t get in this one when will the next be? 1 a month? 1 a week? Random?
So is the 0.17 lp rewards for farms going into paired tokens or going into more cake yields?
When do we think the bear turns back to the bull? Before the end of the year? Next Summer?
How long will Trivian token stay 2x on farm? Is that only temporary since the ifo launch?
What do you mean? It’s the pancake farm that I’m in why would they know why u all have the farm at 600k and poocoin is only showing 370k in the pools
Why does the Trivian farm say there is $600k liquidity in farm when poocoin shows only 370k liquidity?
Can the burn ever be more than minting some weeks before we get to max supply?
What answer have I been given besides buzz off and go ask somewhere else?