Is limit for bot uploads the same as users? 2GB?
Is there some way to "tell" about entity from bot A to bot B? Basically I have 2 bots for 2 different sets of users, and I need to send a link (tg://user...) about user from b...
Hello. im trying to transfer bot to this account from my alt account, but @BotFather is failing to do so. Anyone encountered that problem? Ofc @BotFather isn't blocked from t...
can bots view admin log? e.g. recent actions
Is there some function in telethon I can inject in for retrieving entities by IDs? I'd like to stick to just using IDs
How can I get 2FA password hint?
hm. Does buying fragment username allow 4GB uploads?
Do you have cryptg installed? Should be the first step
Can bots send custom emoji?
I assume if you can download file you can use it as media, no?
does await event.client.get_peer_id("me") make a request every time, or uses cached?
can bots send videos as video_notes?
Я могу из винды изменить разметку убунту? 🤔
Кто знает способ бэкапа папки с 1 машины на другую, очень желательно с небольшой историей, глубиной примерно в 5 версий?
Там есть история?