Hey everyone... Look to get some clarity on generating veCRV to get CRV incentive % boost on my lp. I dont know if I am missing a step or just not locking enough CRV.... (I tr...
Hey is anyone else experiencing this? I am attempting to lock up some CRV but I been getting this error for the past few days
Ok so.... I want to make sure I get these figures right: Deposit: Is the USD value of assets you deposited into that specific pool Pool Liquidity: Total USD value of pool So...
Hey quick question on the Stakedao/Convex options....the APY are slightly higher...but I'm wondering as my goal is to accumulate more CRV...do these platforms opperate like Be...
They allow that option? Thansk I will take a look
Also...If I lock a whole bunch of it and have a large amount of veCRV....does that lock apply to all pools across chains or do I have to assign my lock to specific pools?
Hey there I have a bunch of CRV on Arbitrum that I want to bridge to ETH mainnet to lock up for veCRV boost and what not...is there a way to do that?
Hey is there any plans from Curve to create the ability to bridge crvUSD across chains? I hate having to swap my crvUSD to a different token to bridge across networks?
Anyone else hving issue trying to pull up there Gnosis Chian Pools? (Scammers dont even bother messaging me, I will report you)
Hey guys, I have some questions about what chainlink can functionially do. I would like to/meet with maybe a developer that has a firm understanding of chainllink. Any recomme...