How invisible guard is different from 2fa?
What is it required to deactivate invisible guard? Someone got 24 words, imported the wallet to a new device and then what? - if that is me , using a new device and forgot inv...
i put my tokens to two different validators. Exactly same amount of egld staked in two valdiator at same date. How come rewards are very different? Lower apy validator gave h...
Why there is no payment provided in UK when you want to buy EGLD? This has been almost a month!
Guys we are in transition period. There are tons of updates and huge effort for new X branding. When you see something announced by CEO with X branded name it will definately...
There are many usesless partnerships happening in crypto. So what does the latest partnerships with google, aws, tencent, deutsche telecom, means exactly? So what in the end?...
What is VAI and XVS? Protocol is Venus. All different naming conventions
What is liquid staking? That said to come to Egld
What is the relation betwern Mex and Xmex?