Why not talk on chain?
Have you not been presented with enough evidence here to know beyond a reasonable doubt that forged does not belong in quotes?
How the fuck is that not for speculation? You detailed how dumb it is for all other uses.
What has been legitimate?
Why won't fortnight give me my csgo skins?
Do you even know what sog is?
Got some examples? I bet they could be done with mysql.
Bitsko, what is your opinion on q anon?
What if my in game sword is only worth a penny? I might need a micro transaction to send to someone else 😂
Why would a new mmo not want everyone to have their whole wow inventory?
Who is moaning about it? Personally I find enjoyment in the train wreck.
So why argue?
Okay, so why do you think that means Craig can program?
Or show me code that works and is not plagiarized?
Where did Craig get a computer science degree?
But maybe you can answer your own question?
Wtf is a useful nft?
Why does a new mmo not want you to have your full wow loadout?
...maybe speculation?
Finnex still support bsv?