Genghis telegram channel next?
But if he bought 5 years ago how come he is in a loss?
Allmost nobody knows the rules in this chat, and if I say I do not like someone who is apparenrly a god I get kiked? Without warnings?
Chainlink VRF is Now Live on Arbitrum One
Honk kong news coming?
Will we be at 10+ by end of the month?
Why do I have the feeling the bitcoin etf will get rejected? 🤔
So lets get back to ur chart then, real estate is just part pf the total liquidity right?
Ah who is Drake? Can someone explain?
Is ur angus still elastic as before? If so, there is still room to go to the downside
I dont know, Blackrock has literally a piece of every us listed company out there, that does not mean that these stocks are all going higher right?
What did Gayry Gaynsler say about chainlink? Anything?
Any chance of getting him back if the majority say so in the poll?
Was 12.95$ that liquidation level?
Is Visa B2B connect a real competitor?
Which are the 8 services?
Why sergay, why?
Is he though?
Hey when will staking be implemented exactly?
Who are these guys? SBF team?