I have a transaction from ergoswap still as "uncofirmed' after10 blocks have past. Any ideas why would a transaction can be not be included in the next blocks?
Is there a cex that accepts sigmaUSD?
Is 2.0 recent? Interesting
Who cares about privacy and darknet markets when instead we can be wallstreet digital gold? Well, thats where all the value is derived from. Lose that, lose everything else.
Would bulding something like zecpages on top of ergo be considered spam? Why and why not?
I have a podcast on the corner left. A side menu with many different types of systems on it ( and a top menu at the same time! ). Some stats that I don't know why are they rel...
I think it still can work for the short-lived oracle case. Input for boxes must come from unspent boxes no? An already fully reclaimed/demurraged box should be no longer usa...
Guys do you realize this is the largest longest running experiment on Demurrage?
So what was the attack mechanic here? Pump it on CEX temporarily so they can mint a lot of SigUSD?
Am I the only Demurrage Maxi here?
My grand-grand-grand-grand child will be asking: Did $ergo even had a genesis block or did it always exist?
Then let me ask you, if you are not a coder, why your particular interest in a rust node?
Sure why not, whos asking? It would take some time though
Slow Money = More Censorship Fast Money = Less Censorship - Citizens tolerate governments bouncing back or temporarily freezing slow wire-transfers. - Citizens revolt if gove...
The Monero news has me rethinking that not having any script is too heavy a price. Why not? You can already affect fungibility with tx_extra. I would consider adding a few ...
Like an oracle type service?
But this is more of a side-effect no? Not an explicit design goal
I think the fact that the protocol is enshrined in the blockchain itself may be better? The oracle data is basically engrained in every block emission. Formulas are based on b...
And that's where the kushti token comes from?
Raffle for buying Kushti a Zoom Power Setup? Hahaha 😂