When are we gonna get chainz, com and mld updates? Chainz dungeon been missing for ages, com armours are missing for pretty much every hero and mld is even behind pancake prot...
Wen legendary CoM armour pieces tradeable in marketplace?
@mobox_soon how does MOBOX benefit from this? Other than the hope of new eyes on the project. Can we expect pcs to adopt other games like chainz?
Do I have to do anything for the egg airdrop? Or simply wait for now if I’m happy with my projected tickets?
I thought the mine was temporary on mld? How many times were admins asked this question?
How do we get honour in moland defence?
When we giving them chainz?
When are we gonna get updates for mld/chainz and com? @moadrii @ivan_mobox
Does the MOBOX app no longer let me see the time on my phone? iOS by the way. This is a dumb update if so @ivan_mobox
Any updates with regards to new games?
When chainz app being renewed? @ivan_mobox @moadrii
They out this quarter?
Is com down?
Anyone got a picture of the MOBOX relic consumption levels?