So what's the consensus from everyone in this group for btc, eth, and link summer 2025?
Does anybody here know of every official chainlink labs address on etherscan? I want start tracking when and where they transfer their tokens. I noticed Ethereum Foundation ...
For the early stakers link stakers v.01. What if you decide to just keep your tokens stakes until 2030. You think. Keeping your stake, you will be airdropped from all the buil...
OK I understand not talking about other tokens in specific communities but this pertains to chainlink. With Pulsechains new release, they airdropped free copies of erc20 tok...
Will chainlink stakers in the early access program receive 3% to 5% of airdropped tokens from every project entering the build program?
Do people in this chainlink group interact with real life people?
Here's a better question. What's your sell point for link? $50, $75, $100. Other😁
I feel like all yall have 0 social qs in real life?
Why did all those people get banned?
Why people say "it's orge"?