How many DVPNS are needed to create a validator? @xSeventhx @ProjectAutonomy
Has NORSE Labs already taken the snapshot?
Why don't we market DVPN Sentinel at least on Crypto Slate? We need marketing on these portals like Coindesk, Coitelegraphic and etc, I think we are in a good moment to pay f...
Could anyone who has contacted the owner or an ADM from the Brazilian group unban me there? I tried to join but that bot threw me out, I tried twice and was left with that inf...
Android app won't exit anyway? Many of the Cosmos are waiting to release the wallet option in Solar LABS, we hope that Meile Android and the official Sentinel app will also b...
I remember someone in the community who tracked large portfolios, including the foundation and team, who among us has 8 billion DVPN?
Will we one day see a privacy-focused game built on Sentinel?
We can all do it! I will now. Anyone else? I don't really feel comfortable linking it here but if you search for the Teritori group, you'll see the scam. Please report it :)
BaseDVPN hasn't worked for about 4 or 5 days, anyone else?