Who can help me? code: await client.send_read_acknowledge(f't.me/username', f't.me/username/18') ( example ) error: 'str' object has no attribute 'id'
How can I send a sticker?
i have this code: code: link_post = console.input('Full url: [/]') glasschat = re.findall (r'(?<=https://t\.me/).*?(?=/)', link_post)[0] forwardmess = re.findall ...
How to get only text message, not full info list? print(event.message) only text.
How to use args to_comment ? await client.send_message(chat, 'Hi!', to_comment='') why?
what to do with phone=' ' if the user has hidden it? userthis = await client.get_entity(useradd) await client(functions.contacts.AddC...
why such error can be?: '>' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str' code: await asyncio.sleep(1) async for dialog in client.iter_dialogs('me'): ...
how to get a dialog with me using iter_dialogs() ( favorites ) ?
Server sent a very old message with ID 7257937263114195969, ignoring (see FAQ for details) Server sent a very old message with ID 7257937263114236929, ignoring (see FAQ for de...
@client.on(events.NewMessage) async def handler(event): await event.reply(autotext) await asyncio.sleep(1) How do I check what kin...
What could be the problem?
Can someone write a list? By type: too many request ( caused by «text» )
Hello everyone, how can I make my client just look at the post in the channel?
Hi, everyone! Who giving big and add_to_recent in metods send_reaction ?
What methods to use to unsubscribe from the channel and exit the chat?
How do I check if I am an administrator in the channel?
Hello. What method to use to remove my @username ?
how to get contact list in telethon?