guys i want to install this app, it says it can come to linux, how can i do it ?
guys everything is like tits of my ex, how can i make it bigger ?
guys what application?
where i can find it ?
Could you please help with expansion on Linux mint?
can i find this on ukrainian or russian?
so which one linux to choose ?
System WebView, i ve read that telegram blows away because doesn’t have webview, how to install it on linux ?
what issue here ?
so, sudo apt install (name of program) will install any program that snap app has ?
guys maybe i should use other linux ?what dist is highly recommend for whonix ?
it asks you wanna continue yes doesn’t work, maybe sudo yes?
how i can install telegram through terminal ?
nope, guy in video told, where i can check it?
i need to save terminal file after?
sedu apt run telegram-desktop?
i only can get apps from snap?
guys is it finished ?
maybe try this?