1. On May 21, 2023, Multichain CEO Zhaojun was taken away by the Chinese police from his home and has been out of contact with the global Multichain team ever since. The team ...
I bought ftm currency with my father's money. It's been almost 2 weeks that he blames me why did you buy this damn thing? Why didn't you buy Solana and Ripple?
we wait 3y for 2.5$ :DD lol?
Hello, does Solana have a plan to reduce the number of tokens in the future? As coin inflation increases, its price will be affected by the number of coins
Michael Kong In which country was he born? Japan or South Korea?
ftm below the price of 2820 is really boring. Can you believe that I have been looking at the ftm candles since the beginning of the morning? His eyes hurt😭
What currencies do you have other than ftm?
FVm coming in 60 days https://twitter.com/FantomKingHodl/status/1683164476353175552?t=d11ePGCA5gAgKtbs_HrTUA&s=35
Are the multi-chain posts deleted? https://twitter.com/MultichainOrg
Will the spell be broken today and the price will see 29 cents?