I have a bot made for myself, that ONLY send messages to my chatid. So if someone occasionally writes to the bot, it can still only answer to me. Yet somehow looks like two ...
Hi! I've got an error number 429 (too many messages sent by the bot), while only updating the shared location once ~2 seconds with ONE user. Are there another limits for locat...
Hey! What is the diff between "register_next_step_handler" and "register_next_step_handler_by_chat_id"? From the existence of the second one, the first one "should" block pr...
I have a handler, that should, basically, construct the ReplyMarkupKeyboard from class data and send the message with this markup. Now, when I have the ReplyMarkupKeyboard op...
Planning a bot, and can't get a decision from web. Would appreciate opinion / advice / answer. Writing a bot, where there will be a need for conversation + menu navigation. M...
How can I retrieve location twice from users live location message?
Would it work for users without profile pic, by the way?
I want bot to retrieve and use message from chat_id with message_id. There are methods to copy that message to somewhere or forwards it, but I couldn't find method to just ret...
Can I check if the bot can send a message to a particular chat_id, WITHOUT sending that message?
Is online binary, or is it "was 6 minutes ago" / "None"?
You ask for updates for the incoming live location message, correct?
Or am I talking about the same thing?