If you mean that I can choose Debian before booting? Yes I do see that and I can choose it
Hey everyone! I'm stuck at this screen, I think I know the password but what is login?
Hi everyone I am using an api from the public-apis from github and it basically gives information about the country that we request Now I have encountered a problem and I don'...
Hi everyone Think of an element which has these event listeners; 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mousemove' This should also work for mobiles so for touches: 'touchstart', 'touchen...
Hi everyone I want a free api that gives me the information of the user's location based on their latitude and longitude Even if I could access the city and country is enough...
Hey everyone Where do you get your fonts? When I try to get the font family from google fonts and then convert them to woff and woff2 via font squirrel, font squirrel tells m...
Hey everyone 👋 Can I send links in this chat?