I guess it's not layer2 like Cartesi, arbitrum or optimism. I didn't find the network information, it uses the eth network in everything, I don't understand the logic, I don't...
Do you think $amp will be more bullish in this bull market or more bullish in the next bull market?
Will I be able to borrow from ampera instead of taking a loan from the bank?
What was built on $amp in an entire bear season? Nothing .. It looks like they only worked for a new token. That was really disappointing for me.
Is there a logical explanation why the $amp price is at new atl every day while the market is accumulating?
If I buy a house in the US with one million dollars, how much will the rental income be?
Is there a deadline for the SEC to make a final decision on $amp?
Are there any community members here who are testing Testnet? Any sneak peek? 👀
We have been waiting for months for the audit and launch of the ampera protocol. ?? So we waited for months for the anvil protocol?
How will this DEFI protocol lure the whales?
What advantages will a person with cryptocurrency have after depositing their cryptocurrency in ampera as collateral?
I don't care about Anvil. What's new for Ampera?
Have you examined projects such as Aave, Compound? These projects are printing money
SEC: Ampera $amp is not a security. Is that all?