Do you guys think that communicating over pirate chain is safer than any messenger? I mean you could communicate quite cheap through transactions with memos
Hey there. Does anyone know a solution about that transaction looping bug? I tried to send a etn transaction 2 hours ago to tradeogre and it somehow failed. I clicked the retr...
Ohh I see. But Pirate Dex is still in Development?
Does anyone know if ARRR is used on some Marketplaces in the Darknet? I am not using any darknet markets since I have no criminal intentions to be or buy something there. I on...
Has anyone of you guys experience with veracrypt?
What are the system req's to run pirate os?
Are there any wallets I can store on pirate and use ledger for it?
Where can I see the current roadmap? Because on the website I only see a post about 2022
Can i install the pirate lite wallet on linux mint cinnamon?
Maybe a Bug?
I see. So in your opinion the paper wallet is the safest way to store arrr?
I have seen on the roadmap for 2023 something about the pirate dex. Is it out yet?
What happend to machinefi? I haven't been in here for a while
So will it be like tradeogre a non kyc exchange?
Do you know something about that piratedex?
Is Pirate Chain usable on Tails?