At the risk of attracting flocks of scammers again I will ask is anyone else experiencing an issue with Coinbase wallet and seeing their anvil balance or is this more of a me ...
Is anyone else having problems connecting their wallet to the anvil website?
Ouch, crypto is definitely feeling a bit rough today. Have you seen all the news about the upcoming inflation report? Investors are getting sweaty palms waiting to see that n...
Will the claimed anvil balance show as “unlocked” once the vesting period is concluded?
Why didn’t you stake your huge bag, Jerry? You’ve been holding for 3+ years, your average is .008 and you never thought to stake in all that time? I’m genuinely curious
So should we expect more volatility with the staking pools in the near future? I was trying to move some things around to get the most return but it’s starting to seem pointle...
Wen substantial pamp that correlates with actual news?
Is this any good?:
Is Beavis the new Jerry? 🤔
Is there any rhyme or reason to the certain APY’s going up and others down? I know there was a correction recently but is there anymore to it?
Has lightning been the most loyal staking pool in terms of staying somewhat stable during drops in APY? 🤔
What’s with the discrepancy between what the ampbot says is staked and what flexa says is staked? 🤔
What’s Amp’s legit crypto ranking? Coinbase & coinmarketcap have it about to slip out of the 200s while coingecko has it at 260
Wow now close to 50b! Is anyone else seeing this? 🤣
The total amount of staked just went up by a few billion, no? Or am I looking at something wrong 😅
Hai guyth, just thought I’d ask again if anyone knows where to track amp’s most accurate market cap?
Hmmm, am I doing holders wrong?