209 похожих чатов

At the risk of attracting flocks of scammers again I

will ask is anyone else experiencing an issue with Coinbase wallet and seeing their anvil balance or is this more of a me myself and I problem?

6 ответов

19 просмотров

Try looking in settings for something like "show all tokens" or something about hidden tokens

If it was a buy check you history click on it that worked for me .if its you rewards conect wallet throught anvil site

Yes but stumbled upon this https://www.reddit.com/r/AMPToken/s/usKWCGINVc

Drangles-Alternative Автор вопроса
Yes but stumbled upon this https://www.reddit.com/...

This is exactly my issue, it appears I’m not alone lol. Many thanks!

I see the ANVL token but no USD pricing in my wallet. Anything not high in value drops off the main token holdings page but is visible in swap screen

I see the ANVL token but no USD pricing in my wall...

They probably get the price info from a third party like CMC or somewhere that Anvil hasn't been listed yet

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