Having blocked 10,614 Fxs at 4 years with the first AirDrop is it correct that I get 13% or 1,379 Fxs per year ?
Excuse me Admin for a piece of information. I went into Fraxscan to see my points and found a huge amount of transactions there. Is this normal ?
Admin, I see no extra points in my portfolio. Is this normal ?
Excuse me I am new and I will certainly say something wrong. One should not let a person who is famous for his experience and business acumen become a kind of 'sponsor' of th...
If I need information on my points, whom should I turn to?
When will we be able to see the new points ?
I am increasing the amount of Fxs from the latest AirDrop on Mainnet but the final approval is not coming. Is this normal?