Anyone here used NEXTJS 13? How do you allow webhook events to come from certain IPs? I have list of 5 IPs. Can I just check for x-real-ip request header and if it includes th...
anyone used react router? How will client side know that login is success? I am using passportjs
Why I am getting cannot read property byId of undefined ? code: const temp = && && Object.keys([0] ? Object.keys(this....
I am using useEffect in private route component to check if current session of user exists in DB or not but after refresh redux state gets reset so how to implement private ro...
Download the latest linux tar.gz file from Unzip the file: tar -xvf stripe_X.X.X_linux_x86_64.tar.gz Move ./stripe to your...
Just a general question. Does having more commits on PR create bad impression?
can someone please tell me what is this syntax in ES5 ?? code: I just...
I messed up something in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and because of that I am not able to login as root user into my remote server any idea what can be done? getting this message: Pe...
Anyone has any idea how to limit request payload? I am getting array of objects in request payload and each element of an array is object. So how can I limit this to 10 or 50 ...
I am trying to make API call after some delay with 3-5 secs but it fails everytime any idea why it is happening? Any suggestions for improvement? async function foo(account_id...
I have done some DOM manipulation in javascript file and entire file code is wrapped inside window.onload = function() { // all code } Now I am appending child to div so wh...
I have implemented passportjs session based authentication and I am able to store session in mongodb but in react router I am able to navigate to private routes if I navigate ...
If I pass data using data-* attribute in script tag then can I access this data in my package which is react app? If it is simple javascript file then I can access but in reac...
I want to create microservices so should I create image of each service and then deploy it on server??
I have nginx setup as follows: upstream myserver { server localhost:5000; server localhost:5001; } Now if I want to run 2 instances of PM2 server one on port 5...
For deploying nodejs app with zero downtime we use PM2 is that right? Now lets say I have node application with 4 API endpoint now I want to add new endpoints to existing appl...
Can someone suggest me when to use db transactions? I have social media pp in which I have account id and account type on frontend side. On server side when I receive these ac...
on frontend if I change axios from axios.get('/api/accounts') to axios.get('http://localhost:5000/api/accounts') it works fine why does axios.get('/api/accounts') does not wor...
I am using react testing library for testing components but if I do screen.debug() then I am not able to see the div element any idea why so? I am not able to understand what ...
I am serving static files through nginx but by default it is text/html is it possible to serve it as application/javascript ??