169 похожих чатов

Just a general question. Does having more commits on PR

create bad impression?

22 ответов

15 просмотров

I wouldn't care. I review the files and see the end results. If it works and doesn't screw the project over, it's a good PR, IMO

Adi- Автор вопроса
Agent Q | You PM me, You Pay
I wouldn't care. I review the files and see the en...

Having more commits in PR does it show that person is careless?

Garbage commits on default branch create bad impression

Having more commits in PR does it show that person...

As long as it's delivered and tested, I still don't care.

Adi- Автор вопроса
Define garbage commits

fix x oh no fix x finally fix x x took a long time to fix finally yayyyy x fixed

they do

idk why would anyone say they fixed X and again fix x

happens a lot lmao

they dont test their code?

they dont test their code?

idk but I have seen that happen

idk but I have seen that happen

impressive i thought i do garbage commits(commit half code in first commit then a whole ass full commmit of project)

impressive i thought i do garbage commits(commit h...

by half code i mean litterly half code in a file

Wojciech Pawlik

well TBH when i do small changes to project(like renaming var or format/optimize imports) i write "Fixed few small stuff"

well TBH when i do small changes to project(like r...

I do a "misc" commit once in a while, fixing a bunch of stuff to small for a separate commit

Wojciech Pawlik

true that, some of my commits for my private repos are like: fix stuff rollback stuff fix another stuff undo stuff haha

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