What's the best bleeding-edge (Rolling sounds like a bad idea ig) distro for a server in your opinion?
Lets say u have a button. U want to render it only if it should be visible. Why waste 64bit on if its visible or not instead of 16?
Is there a way to create a GTK+3 window without using the "activate" callback? I tried to do it like in GTK2, but it doesn"t work :/
Does it affect boot process or was it probably from something else?
Why would u need to reinvent the wheel in C?
But for binary things, why not implement bool?
Does the IDE makes a cmake build folder?
Looks cool! How do you achieve that look? Just passing a small logical resolution? What about the color?
How do Chromium or Firefox implement the Drag&Drop's transparent image? Do they create a window that follows the mouse or do they use the WinAPI/DisplayServer's API?
Also, where did u get that it's unreversable?(no such thing btw)
What does 'connections and a few bridges to an app' mean?
That's cool... but why would u do that? lol.
What is it suppose to be? lol
What do you mean by the vshader has only one point?
Did u try to reply to me or are u talking to yourself? Anyways, you don't input anything to the program.
I won't prefer antything lol. What do u mean?
ohh ok, do you see the "build directory" there?
does your IDE do that? (I am not familiar with CLion)
how did u plan on sending the code?
Why not use your own server?